Arc2Ark Cycle Challenge – 300 miles in 3 days … Done!

A team of 29 cyclists completed what can only be described as a ‘gruelling’ challenge travelling from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris to the Ark Centre in Chelmsford. The team were welcomed back to base about 7.15pm on Saturday 8th September 2018 after cycling over 300 miles across 2 countries in only 3 days!

They faced a few challenges during their journey, there were a few large hills to battle along with strong head winds and a few punctures (several very close to the finish line) but everyone made it back safely and in one piece!

Well done to the whole team for completing the challenge and for raising a staggering £58,105. An amazing amount of money for a fantastic cause.

The money raised will go a long way to assist the Ark Centre move to a larger premise with the aim of accommodating more children and making it more affordable for parents.


Click on the link below to read our article published in the East Anglian Daily Times!







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