Eco Council Visit at Copford CofE Primary School

Last week we had the privilege of providing a guided building site tour and an informative talk to the students of the Copford CofE Primary School Eco Council. The Eco Council is made up of 15 students across years 3,4,5 & 6 and the main objective of their visit was to learn about the environmentally friendly initiatives we have put in place whilst constructing their new school building.

The visit was led by Mike Cansdale, our Site Manager who provided the students, Headteacher and Assistant Headteacher a guided tour of their new teaching classrooms. During the tour, Mike explained the different stages of the build from exposed wires and pipes to freshly plastered walls, pointing out the different types of materials used.  Mike also expressed the importance of solar panels, insulation and improved heating systems to regulate heat and prevent it from escaping the building.  The students were shown both bat and bird boxes which have been installed to protect their natural environment.

Paul Spriggs, our Company Buyer was also present and explained the importance of purchasing environmentally friendly alternatives for the project.

It was great to see the Eco Council engaging with our team and asking some very intuitive questions. The students were extremely excited to see their new classrooms taking shape and both the Headteacher and Assistant Headteacher were delighted with our progress.  Our site team look forward to delivering the building successfully for Copford Primary School!






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